The chin, along with the nose, is a fundamental point of reference in defining the aesthetic harmony of a face. Mentoplasty or chin surgery is a surgical procedure that offers excellent aesthetic results by restoring the right definition and projection to the lower third of the face.
L’ intervento chirurgico di mentoplastica a Roma e Latina può essere eseguito in modo differente a seconda del risultato da ottenere:
Improvement of the chin in the case of receding chin (additive mentoplasty);
Reduction of the chin in the case of a protruding chin (reductive mentoplasty);
Lengthening or shortening the chin to obtain adequate facial length;
Correction of facial asymmetries, through transverse and vertical movements until correct balance is achieved.
When seeking harmony of facial features, having a chin that is too large or small for the patient's face;
As an accessory procedure to orthognathic surgery in order to obtain greater facial balance after repositioning the maxillary and/or mandibular bones;;
In order to fix anomalies in the development of the jaw bones, which determine facial asymmetry;
In chin reconstruction after facial trauma.
Il chirurgo, prima di eseguire un intervento chirurgico di mentoplastica a Roma e Latina, esegue un’complete facial analysis attraverso la visita e l’ esame del materiale fotografico e radiografico . La mentoplastica può essere eseguita come unico intervento, oppure abbinata al riposizionamento del corpo mandibolare, quando è necessario correggere anche una malocclusione dento-scheletrica.
L’ intervento di mentoplastica e Roma e Latina che esegue il Dott. Daniele Panetta può essere eseguito con due approcci differenti:
In entrambi i casi la mentopastica è un intervento a recupero molto rapido con un ritorno quasi immediato alle normali attività con l’ unica accortezza di evitare traumi sulla parte operata. Il gonfiore scompare nell’ arco di una settimana, anche se il completo assestamento dei tessuti molli e la definizione del risultato richiede più di un mese.
Chin surgery is a safe and rapid recovery procedure. Side-effects to the surgery are quite rare, and connected to the general health conditions. Among the complications, which are also quite rare, we can consider the dislocation of the implant when using a silicone prosthesis, which in this case must be removed. A temporary alteration of skin sensitivity in the chin area may occur when the operation is performed intraorally. This condition also normally presents a rapid and complete recovery.
The Dott. Daniele Panetta, Chirurgo Maxillo – Facciale effettua interventi di Chirurgia Mentoplastica a Roma e Latina.
Chin surgery is a procedure that can be carried out starting from the age of 18.
Chin surgery is generally carried out under local anesthesia with sedation. Instead, if associated with orthognathic surgery, it is performed under general anesthesia.
The chin surgery procedure generally lasts about an hour.
Generally not. A tingling sensation in the chin (paraesthesia) may be present only momentarily, which disappears after a short time.
If performed via chin osteotomy, it leaves no external scars as the incision is intraoral. However, when prosthetics are used, a small incision is made under the chin.
Orthognathic surgery mobilizes the entire jaw bone, while chin surgery mobilizes only
the chin,
or rather, the most anterior portion of the mandibular bone.
Once the edema is reabsorbed, after 7-10 days, the result is already appreciable.
Starting from the 3 rd day after the surgery it is possible to come back to a normal life, avoiding excessive efforts and taking care not to receive traumas in the chin area.
Il Dott. Daniele Panetta e il suo team lavorano con professionalità e passione per offrire soluzioni personalizzate per esaltare l’armonia del tuo volto.