Several factors cause inevitable skin aging over the years, in addiction to age, sun exposure, hormonal factors, diet, stress, smoking. The most obvious sign of facial aging is the relaxation of the soft tissues, with the sagging of the skin, cheeks and neck, the appearance of wrinkles and folds which become more accentuated with the years. The facial lifting is the aesthetic surgery procedure aesthetic nose that allows you to lift the tissues, eliminate excess skin from the face and neck and obtain a a stable and natural rejuvenation e naturaleby restoring a fresh and youthful appearance to face and neck.
L’intervento di lifting facciale a Roma e Latina eseguito dal Dott. Daniele Panetta is recommended for people who want to rejuvenatethe appearance of their face, by minimizing deep wrinkles, removing excess skin and fat and increasing skin firmness.
The facial lifting è una soluzione realmente efficace sia nelle donne che negli uomini, non esiste un’ età consigliata per l’ intervento perché il processo di invecchiamento può essere molto differente nelle singole persone, ed il range di età può andare dai 40 to 70 years and even beyond. It is carried out in patients with clear signs of skin aging and loss of tone of the facial soft tissues with the presence of deep wrinkles and folds.
Prima dell’intervento di Lifting faciale a Roma e Latina, viene eseguita dal Dott. Daniele Panetta una is carried out in order to understand the patient's expectations and what improvements we can have with the surgery.
Since this type of operation’s purpose is to reduce the signs of aging, it is mainly indicated for people over the age of 40, a period in which other less invasive procedures do not guarantee the same natural facial rejuvenation effect, which can be achieved with the face lifting.
A general evaluation of the health is necessary, by carrying out laboratory exams, an electrocardiogram and an accurate medical history, in order to find out the presence of pathologies, the use of drugs, cigarette smoking, all factors that can interfere with healing of tissues post-operatively.
Dopo l’intervento di Lifting Facciale a Roma e Latina le aree del viso trattate si gonfiano sempre (edema), talvolta minimamente, più spesso in modo evidente. Questo gonfiore si ridurrà di molto già a due settimane dall’intervento, mentre il gonfiore residuo scompare più lentamente e verrà completamente riassorbito solo dopo qualche mese. Alcuni accorgimenti da seguire nel periodo successivo alla chirurgia aiutano a ridurre i disagi e favoriscono una buona guarigione:
After 2 or 3 weeks, the face will acquire contours that are close to the definitive ones but, it takes four to six months to fully appreciate the result of this type of surgery.
There are no particular side-effects to face lifting surgery. However, the pre-existence of systemic pathologies may contraindicate the execution of the operation, and even heavy smokers are at risk of healing problems at the skin level.
The Dott. Daniele Panetta, Chirurgo Maxillo – Facciale effettua interventi di Face lifting a Roma e Latina.
The face lifting is carried under general anesthesia, with an overnight stay in the clinic.
The face lifting scar follows the same line as the incision made by the surgeon, which goes from the area of the temple hidden by the hairline, passes in front of the ear in a natural skin fold, goes around and behind the lobule to end in the scalp.
Over time the scar becomes increasingly lighter and softens and, once it heals, it is complete and practically invisible.
The indication for a face lifting is when signs of facial aging appear, which varies greatly from one individual to another. The subjective component and the perception that the patient has of his/her own face and the aging process is important as well.
The age range of people who turn to the surgeon is very wide, generally after the age of 40, up to 70 and beyond.
Yes, it does. Your entire face and neck will have smoother skin and a more youthful appearance after this surgery.
Yes, it is. A well-performed face lifting is the only surgery that allows real rejuvenation of the face in a stable way and with an absolutely natural appearance.
The procedure usually lasts between 4 and 6 hours, and this can vary depending on the
complexity of the case or the
association of the face lifting with other procedures.
Yes, and it is very common for both surgeries to be performed at the same time to achieve a total facial rejuvenation.
Rest, do not expose yourself to the sun while there are bruises on the face and follow the advice given by the surgeon for a good recovery.
In general you can resume moderate physical activity after a month.
Il Dott. Daniele Panetta e il suo team lavorano con professionalità e passione per offrire soluzioni personalizzate per esaltare l’armonia del tuo volto.