The most important purpose of the Orthognathic Surgery path is correcting correcting dento-maxillofacial deformities using the surgical repositioning of the maxillary bone, the mandible or both. It must be performed by the maxillofacial surgeon, the only specialist indicated for the treatment of both the bones and soft tissues of the facial area.
Defects that cannot be treated with only the orthodontic therapy require surgical intervention, with the aim of obtaining the ideal occlusion between the dental arches and an improvement in the proportions and harmony of the facial details.
In the past, orthognathic surgery was considered an operation reserved for patients with severe malocclusions and facial deformities. Thanks to the evolution of surgical techniques, which have allowed a more comfortable and faster post-operative recovery, this type of therapeutic approach can be widely used, precisely because of its benefits on both an aesthetic and functional level, permitting a better quality of life.
Orthognathic surgery is the perfect solution where the growth and development process of the facial bones has been completed; therefore, any malocclusions and malformations are fixed with the support of surgery because orthodontics is not enough. The maxillofacial surgeon and orthodontist work as a team in order to obtain the alignment of the teeth according to the surgical corrections to be performed.
Il Dott. Daniele Panetta e il suo team lavorano con professionalità e passione per offrire soluzioni personalizzate per esaltare l’armonia del tuo volto.