
What is Otoplasty

Otoplasty(unilateral or bilateral) è un intervento di chirurgia estetica volto alla correzione dei principali inestetismi delle orecchie, come le orecchie a sventola, definite con termine medico “orecchie ad ansa”, difetto congenito che colpisce circa il 1% della popolazione mondiale. L’Otoplasty surgery migliora la forma delle orecchie,  migliorando l’armonia del viso e aumentando l’autostima del paziente. Questa procedura consente di correggere difetti presenti dalla nascita o post-traumatici mediante il rimodellamento della cartilagine dei cartilage of the auricles.

Who is it suitable for?

The ideal candidate for otoplasty surgery is a male or female patient with an aesthetic ear anomaly. Protruding or looping ears cause complexes in many adolescents but also in adults. Children over the age of 6 (the period in which the anatomical development of the ear cartilage ends) and adults can undergo the operation. Otoplasty can also be carried out following traumas as in the case of rugby players, in which repeated blows inflame the perichondrium (connective tissue membrane that covers the cartilage) with consequent onset of post-traumatic edema, swelling and need to intervene surgically to reshape the cartilage. Therefore otoplasty is recommended in the presence of: 

Per chi è indicata l'Otoplastica

Il candidato ideale all’intervento di otoplastica a Roma e Latina è un paziente di sesso maschile o femminile con aesthetic ear anomaly. Protruding or looping ears cause complexes in many adolescents but also in adults. Children over the age of 6 (the period in which the anatomical development of the ear cartilage ends) and adults can undergo the operation. Otoplasty can also be carried out following traumas as in the case of rugby players, in which repeated blows inflame the perichondrium (connective tissue membrane that covers the cartilage) with consequent onset of post-traumatic edema, swelling and need to intervene surgically to reshape the cartilage. Therefore otoplasty is recommended in the presence of: 

Pre-operative stage

Il paziente, prima di effettuare la chirurgia Otoplastica a Roma e Latina, viene sottoposto a un’accurata visita specialistica nel corso della quale il chirurgo esamina forma, dimensione e posizione delle orecchie al fine di stabilire quale tecnica utilizzare.

Come si svolge l'intervento di Chirurgia Otoplastica

L’intervento chirurgico di otoplastica a Roma e Latina viene eseguito in anestesia locale con sedazione o in anestesia generale. L’intervento di otoplastica può durare fino a due ore, ma i tempi si riducono laddove l’intervento sia eseguito su un solo orecchio (otoplastica monolaterale).

There are several surgical techniques whose common denominator is the There are several surgical techniques whose common denominator is the remodeling of the cartilage of the auricle. The surgery ends with the suturing of the wound and the subsequent compressive dressing to be maintained for approximately two days.

Post-operative course

In the immediate post-operative period, swelling and bruising may appear in the treated area. The resumption of normal daily activities is practically immediate, while you can return to playing sports after about two weeks, after the removal of the skin sutures.

Risks and complications of otoplasty

Complications in otoplasty are rare. Among these, hematomas may require removal of the clot between the skin and cartilage. Cartilage infections are rather rare events and in any case can be easily controlled with antibiotic therapy. In conclusion, hypertrophic scars or actual keloids may require infiltrations with cortisone, which favor their regression.

The Dott. Daniele Panetta, Chirurgo Maxillo – Facciale effettua interventi di Chirurgia Otoplastica a Roma e Latina.

Frequently asked questions

Otoplasty leaves almost no visible scar because the surgical incisions are made behind the ear. The scar remains only in the posterior portion and it is perfectly camouflaged.

Otoplasty is not a painful procedure. 

Yes, the aesthetic result is generally very natural, with great patient satisfaction.

Hygiene is always a very important thing, especially after surgery. It is necessary though
keep the wound dry. So, until the suture and dressing are removed, it will be necessary to shampoo with the
head tilted with support, without wetting the wound. 

After two weeks you can generally return to sporting activities, as long as there is no trauma to the ears.

After otoplasty surgery it is not possible to wear glasses for 7/10 days.
No, because it does not touch the inner ear; the surgery only affects the auricle.

I risultati dell'otoplastica sono permanenti e apprezzabili già pochi giorni dopo l'intervento.